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A Guide to the Swift Executive Aptitude Test: Practice Questions & Tips

saville Feb 03, 2023

The Swift Executive Aptitude Test is a pre-employment test designed to screen potential employees for a specific job role. 

The assessment areas are verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning. It consists of 24 questions and has a time limit of 18 minutes. 

As each test is tailored to the company and role, there is no set pass or fail mark. 

The Swift Executive Aptitude Test is a challenging pre-employment test that measures your numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning skills. 

As your performance determines whether you progress to the next stage of the recruitment process, preparation is essential.

This article is designed to work alongside the Swift Executive Aptitude Test practice pack and provide you with information about the test, example questions and practice tips to help you score the best possible mark.



What Is the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

The Swift Executive Aptitude assessment is a three-part test – numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning – used by companies to screen candidates during large recruitment drives. 

It is designed by Saville Assessment and used worldwide by companies such as:

  • Emirates Airline
  • Ernst & Young
  • Aldi
  • Barclays 
  • NHS
  • BP
  • BNP Paribas
  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • Virgin Media


The Swift Executive test is primarily used for higher-level roles such as VP, engineers and managers, as well as specialist roles such as graduate programmes, accounting and analysis.

Saville uses first-hand experience and research to create its tests and has successfully improved the recruitment process for 15 years. 

Each test is designed to suit the needs of the company and the role that is being recruited. As such, no two tests are the same.


How Is the Saville Swift Executive Aptitude Test Built?

The Saville Swift Executive Aptitude test consists of 24 multiple-choice questions. It is taken online and has an 18-minute time limit.

The three sections are:

  1. Verbal reasoning
  2. Numerical reasoning
  3. Abstract reasoning


Verbal Reasoning

The verbal reasoning section assesses: 

  • Understanding and comprehension of written information
  • Ability to analyse and interpret information
  • Spelling, grammar and vocabulary

You will be presented with two passages and eight questions. You have three minutes to read the text and answer the related questions.


Numerical Reasoning

In this section of the test, you are presented with two pieces of numerical data, usually in the form of a chart and graph. You then have six minutes to answer eight questions. 

You can use a calculator and additional paper if needed for your calculations.

You are expected to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide but the primary skills being assessed are:

  • Understanding and interpreting numerical data 
  • Demonstrating an understanding of ratios, fractions and percentages


Abstract Reasoning

The abstract reasoning section is the most difficult as they are not questions we face in everyday situations, so we do recommend completing a Swift Executive Aptitude Test practice to familiarise yourself with the question format.

During the test, you will be presented with a series of sequences, either numbers or shapes, and you have to find the pattern and decide which is missing.



Swift Executive Aptitude Test Examples


Verbal Reasoning Question

Between January and September, five projects fell short of expectations. Either deadlines were not met, targets were not achieved or there were problems between team members. 

The projects that underperformed had some senior and junior personnel in common, but so far it has not been possible to determine what the cause is. 

There is no clear evidence to suggest if it was a failure to lead, a failure to follow, or a problem with the whole process and system.

Who is responsible for the failing projects?

a) The team leader
b) Senior management
c) Junior staff members
d) Unable to say

The correct answer is: d) Unable to say. The text clearly states that there is not enough information to establish who or what the cause of the failures was.


Numerical Reasoning


Current Time

Predicted Time













This chart shows the current times at which these students can run a 100 meter sprint and what their predicted times are after four months of training.

Who is expected to have the biggest improvement?

a) Tina
b) Lucy
c) Stephanie
d) Amanda

The correct answer is: d) Amanda. The difference between her current and predicted time is 5.7. Tina’s is 5.2, Lucy’s is 5.4 and Stephanie’s is 3.6.


Abstract Reasoning

From the options below, decide which shape will replace the question mark.

The correct answer is: b). The pattern after the question mark is black, red, black, red, black. Therefore the first shape needs to be red.



Access Practice Material With TestHQ

How did you do with the example questions? If you were stronger at some sections over others, focus your practice on where you need it most.

For a huge range of practice material, take advantage of the TestHQ Saville Swift Executive Test practice tests to access more than 800 questions and answers.

The package includes full solutions and explanations, so you can understand how to get to the correct answer and avoid those dreaded point deductions.


Saville Swift Executive Aptitude Test Scoring

As the Swift Executive Aptitude test is tailored to each company’s needs, there is no standardised pass or fail mark.

To progress to the next stage of recruitment you need to be in the top-performing group. 

Depending on the aptitude of the other participants, this could be scoring 100% or scoring at least 80%. In some cases, 60% might be the pass mark. 

This is why you should practice Saville Swift Executive Aptitude tests, because the only way to guarantee your progression is to score as close to 100% as possible.

You also don’t have the opportunity to resit this test. If you fail to make the minimum pass mark, you will not be invited to the next stage. 

To take the test again, you would have to reapply for the role the next time the position is advertised.


Swift Executive Aptitude Test Practice Tips

As the Swift Executive Aptitude Test is an essential step in your job application, preparing is essential.


Complete Swift Executive Aptitude Practice Tests

The only way to ensure you are comfortable with the test and question format is to work through as many practice tests as possible. 

These can include comprehensive test packs or free questions you find online. 


Work Through Similar Practice Tests

You don’t need to just focus on the Swift test. Completing any verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning test will help you with your assessment.


Practise Essential Skills

Improving your verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning skills is something that will help you through life regardless of any aptitude test. 

Make it a habit to read lots of different publications and materials to boost verbal comprehension. 

Try to solve maths problems manually to improve your mental ability. 

While going about your day-to-day activities, try to be more critical by looking for alternative ways of doing things, seeking different perspectives and thinking beyond what you see or hear.


Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Again, something you should be actively doing as part of personal and professional development. But useful for this situation as it helps you decide where to dedicate more of your time. 

If you are an avid reader and find evaluating texts easy, spend more time with the numbers and sequences., or vice versa.


Practice Timing

The Saville Swift Executive Aptitude Test is very short lasting only six minutes per section. 

To start, work through questions at your own pace and gradually add time restrictions until you can answer eight questions in six minutes.


Take Care of Yourself

Being tired, hungry and thirsty does nothing for your attention span, decision making and critical thinking. 

To perform at your best ensure you get enough exercise, sleep, water and healthy foods.



Frequently Asked Questions


What Is the Purpose of the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

The Swift Executive Aptitude Test is designed to identify those candidates with the essential skills needed for a role and eliminate those who do not. 

It is administered in the early stages of the recruitment process, usually before interviews. 


Is the Swift Executive Aptitude Test Easy? 

The Swift Executive Aptitude Test is not easy. However. for those who have prepared properly and are suited to the role they are testing for, it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge.  


Where Can I Prepare for the Saville Swift Executive Aptitude Test? 

There are several websites that can help you prepare for the Saville Swift Executive Aptitude Test including TestHQ and the Saville Assessment Candidate Area.


What Kind of Questions Are on the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

The Swift Executive Aptitude Test consists of three sections: verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning.

The verbal questions require you to pull information from a selection of passages. 

Numerical asks you to interpret data from a chart or graph, and abstract reasoning wants you to identify the missing image in a sequence. 


Is the Swift Executive Aptitude Test Timed?

Yes, the Swift Aptitude Test is timed. It lasts 18 minutes with six minutes being allocated to each section. 


What Companies Require Taking the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

Companies such as Emirates Airline, Aldi, BP, Virgin Media and the NHS require you to take the Swift Executive Aptitude Test. 

However, it is only designed for specialised and high-level roles. 


Where Can I Find More Example Questions for the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

There are example questions for the Swift Executive Aptitude Test on and in the Saville Assessment Candidate Area.



What Is a Good Score for the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

100% is a good score for the Swift Executive Aptitude Test as it ensures you progress to the next level. 

There is no standardised score and the pass limit will depend on the abilities of those also applying for the role. 

If the group is especially gifted, 100% might be the minimum. 


Can I Retake the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

Except for extenuating circumstances, you cannot retake the Swift Executive Aptitude Test. If you do not pass, you will have to reapply for the role the next time it is advertised.


Can I Take the Swift Executive Aptitude Test Online?

Yes, the Swift Executive Aptitude Test is available as an online test and is the format you will most likely complete. 

A longer version of the test is available and completed in assessment centres, but it is rarely used.


Where Can I Find a Complete Guide for the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

A complete guide of the Swift Executive Aptitude Test is available at and on the Candidate Area of the Saville Assessment website.


When Will I Know My Result After Taking the Swift Executive Aptitude Test?

Your results are available almost immediately after you complete the test. 

However, you might not find out if you have progressed to the next stage until all the candidates have completed their tests and the recruiters have decided on the pass mark.


Final Thoughts

Taking any pre-employment aptitude test can be stressful, especially when it is the Swift Executive Aptitude Test.

However, as long as you take the time to practise and work through example questions, you shouldn't find the test too much of a challenge.

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