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Free Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test Questions

Dec 17, 2024

The Raven’s Progressive Matrices test is a non-verbal assessment that is used to measure intelligence and abstract reasoning. It is regarded as a fair and accurate test and is used on all ages, from five years old and up.

Originally developed by John C. Raven in 1936, the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test assesses non-verbal reasoning, abstract thinking and problem-solving skills.

The test involves determining what comes next in a pattern of images. The nature of the assessment makes it simple to prepare for. Using practice tests can enhance your performance.

If you are looking to improve your general intelligence and abstract reasoning skills, and have a Raven’s Progressive Matrices test coming up, this article is here to help. This guide will provide you with free Raven Matrices test questions, Raven's test answers, and preparation tips.

Read our full guide on the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test before attempting these example questions.


Free Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test Questions


Section 1: Pattern Completion

Complete a sequence by identifying the missing shape or symbol.

Example 1

What is the next shape?

The correct answer is: a)

The pattern adds one dot per step, maintaining the square shape.

Example 2

What comes next?

a) Black triangle
b) White triangle

The correct answer is: b) White triangle.

The pattern alternates between black and white triangles.


Section 2: Matrix Reasoning

Complete a grid by recognizing relationships in rows or columns.

Example 1

What is missing?

a) Medium triangle
b) Large square
c) Large triangle
d) Small square

The correct answer is: a) Medium triangle.

The rows and columns both follow a size progression.

Example 2

What is the shape and orientation of the missing piece in the bottom-right corner?

a) Circle rotated 90°
b) Square rotated 180°
c) Triangle rotated 270°
d) Square rotated 270°

The correct answer is: d) Square rotated 270°.

Each column has consistent shapes, and rotation progresses clockwise.



Section 3: Logical Reasoning

Infer transformations or sequences applied to symbols or shapes.

Example 1

What comes next?

a) Two smaller squares
b) Four smaller squares
c) Two triangles and two squares
d) Four smaller triangles

The correct answer is: b) Four smaller squares.

Each shape doubles and transforms into squares.

Example 2

A black circle shrinks by half in each step. What comes next after a circle with a diameter of 1 unit?

a) A circle with a diameter of 0.5 units
b) A circle with a diameter of 2 units
c) A square with a side length of 0.5 units
d) No shape (disappears)

The correct answer is: d) No shape (disappears).

The circle shrinks until it vanishes.


Section 4: Abstract Reasoning

Identify relationships between shapes based on symmetry, proportionality, or mirroring.

Example 1

Two arrows point in opposite directions (← →). The next pair points upward and downward (↑ ↓). What comes next?

a) Diagonal arrows pointing left-up and right-down
b) Horizontal arrows pointing left and right
c) Diagonal arrows pointing right-up and left-down
d) Vertical arrows pointing up and down

The correct answer is: c) Diagonal arrows pointing right-up and left-down.

The arrows follow a directional progression.

Example 2

A rectangle splits into two equal parts (horizontally). In the next step, each half splits into two vertical parts. What comes next?

a) The four sections split diagonally
b) The four sections shrink equally
c) The four sections merge back into one rectangle
d) The four sections remain unchanged

The correct answer is: a) The four sections split diagonally.

The splitting process adds complexity with each step.


How to Prepare for the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test

To do well on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test, you will need to practice using similar questions and studying the Raven Matrices test answers. Luckily, abstract reasoning and problem solving are two skills that you can learn.

As well as using free Raven's Progressive Matrices tests, it can be useful to practice recognizing sets of patterns and what comes next. To understand how to come to the right conclusion, you should learn some common strategies for solving matrix problems.

If your Raven’s Progressive Matrices test is timed, you will need to answer as many questions correctly as possible to achieve a high score. It is important to be quick, but even more crucial to be correct.

It is a good idea to practice answering free Raven test questions and problems against the clock to help your time management. 

You can use the free Raven test questions in this guide, as well as Raven's Progressive Matrices Test free online resources. There is also a comprehensive guide, which includes free Raven IQ test questions, on TestHQ



Frequently Asked Questions


How difficult is the Raven Progressive Matrices test?

The test can be difficult, but it is perfectly possible to get lots of correct Raven’s IQ test answers with some preparation. By taking free Raven Matrices test questions, such as those found on TestHQ, you can enhance your fluid intelligence and improve your chances of acing the test.


What is the best way to improve my pattern recognition skills?

The best way to improve your pattern recognition skills is to practice! The more patterns you can identify and complete, the better your recognition skills will become.


Are there any time limits for the test?

Your test may be timed. The person administering the test will let you know if you have a time limit.


Can I use a calculator or take notes during the test?

You will not be allowed a calculator or notes during the test. The test is to assess your intelligence, so you are not permitted to bring any equipment. 


Final Thoughts

The key to achieving a high score on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test is plenty of practice. Thankfully, the nature of the test makes it easy to prepare for.

To give yourself the best chance of success, set aside time to practice using free Raven Matrices test materials and free Raven IQ test questions such as those in this guide. The more you can practice identifying and finishing patterns, the more your abstract reasoning and problem solving will improve.

Whichever of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices tests you are taking, it is important that you approach the assessment with confidence. This is not a pass or fail test, and any outcome will provide an insight into your abilities.

Remember that with practice, you can succeed and show your true potential.



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