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CAT4 Level G: A Guide with Tips & Examples

school entrance exams Sep 03, 2024

Standardized testing is a valuable tool when it comes to assessing how well students are progressing. 

Teaching staff can use the data provided to identify strengths and weaknesses in individual pupils. This enables them to provide additional support where needed or push more able students further.

CAT4 testing is one of the most commonly used forms of cognitive ability assessment for students, with tests adjusted to be suitable for children throughout their educational career.

CAT4 Level G tests are used for students in their final year of education. 

In this article, you will learn more about the CAT4 Level G test, how it’s scored, as well as get tips for success and answers to frequently asked questions. 



What Is CAT4 Level G?

CAT4 Level G testing is commonly used by schools to assess cognitive abilities within their students. Testing offers a snapshot as to how well a child understands a range of key concepts and their ability to deduce answers from a range of information.

Level G CAT4 tests are aimed at those students in the final years of their education; most commonly those aged between 16 and 18. This means that the information provided by these results can help to guide career choices as well as educational planning and student support.

Testing is done under exam conditions, with a strict time limit. The test is split into three sections which can be administered separately or together. Each section has its own time limit.


CAT4 Level G Test Components

CAT4 Level G tests are designed to assess cognitive abilities in four main areas: 

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Non-verbal reasoning
  • Quantitative reasoning
  • Spatial ability


Questions relating to these subjects are split across three papers which can be administered separately or together.


Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning questions are designed to assess how well a student is able to comprehend and infer information from verbal clues.

This is done by answering word puzzles and comprehension questions.


Non-Verbal Reasoning

This style of question evaluates how well a student is able to think in abstract terms, inferring information and using clues to decode answers. 

Often, this will include answering questions based on charts, graphs and images.


Quantitative Reasoning

Sometimes referred to as numerical reasoning, quantitative reasoning questions are designed to evaluate an individual’s understanding of mathematical and numerical concepts. 


Spatial Ability

Spatial ability is key when it comes to careers in STEM fields. This style of question will ask students to deduce information from data and form conclusions about what they can see.



CAT4 Level G: Example Questions and Practice


1. Verbal Reasoning

Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word: "Benevolent"

a) Kind
b) Cruel
c) Generous
d) Peaceful

The correct answer is: b) Cruel

The word "benevolent" means kind or generous. The opposite of this would be "cruel," so the correct answer is B) Cruel. This type of question tests the ability to understand vocabulary and antonyms.


2. Non-Verbal Reasoning

Which shape comes next in the sequence?

The correct answer is: d)

The pattern is based on increasing the shape's sides and the number of stripes, with alternating stripe orientation.


3. Quantitative Reasoning

If 5 books cost $35, how much do 8 books cost?

a) $40
b) $56
c) $60
d) $64

The correct answer is: b) 56

First, find the cost per book by dividing $35 by 5, which equals $7 per book. Then, multiply $7 by 8 to find that 8 books cost $56.


4. Spatial Ability

Which of the following 3D shapes is identical to the one shown, but viewed from a different angle?

The correct answer is: b) 



Tips for Success in CAT4 Level G

It’s not uncommon to feel stressed or anxious before a test. If your child is worried about their upcoming assessment, there are a few simple things you can do to help. 

Taking the time to work through some preparation strategies can help to improve confidence and performance on the day.


Talk About the Tests 

Taking the time to talk to your child about upcoming tests and assessments is very important. Discuss what is likely to come up on their test papers, the time limits, and what the results might mean. 

Make sure to listen if they have any worries or anxieties about taking the CAT4 Level G test, and reassure them that you will do whatever you can to help them prepare. 


Take CAT4 Level G Practice Questions 

Practice test papers and sample questions can help boost confidence and highlight any areas needing additional revision. Your child’s school may have some resources available to use at home. 

Alternatively, there are several websites offering paid for or free CAT4 Level G practice test questions and test packages.


Sleep and Nutrition 

Never underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep and a balanced breakfast before any test or assessment. 

Studies have shown that being well-rested and eating a high-protein breakfast can significantly improve concentration and focus.


Puzzles and Games 

Revision doesn’t have to feel like revision. Card games and puzzle books are excellent ways of practicing some of the cognitive reasoning skills that will be needed during CAT4 Level G testing.


Managing Anxiety 

It’s normal to feel a little worried or anxious before a test, but too much anxiety can be a bad thing. 

If your child feels particularly stressed ahead of their CAT4 Level G tests, try some mindfulness or breathing techniques. These can help them to slow their anxious thoughts and regain focus.


Emphasize Answering as Many Questions as Possible

In a timed test, it’s important to answer as many questions as possible within the time limit. This maximizes the number of potentially correct answers. 

For this reason, make sure your child knows that if they get stuck on a question or aren’t sure about an answer, the best thing to do is move on to the next question and go back if they have time at the end.


How to Interpret CAT4 Level G Scores

Your child’s CAT4 Level G scores will be presented to you in a variety of ways. Each method has a different meaning, so it’s important to fully understand each one.


Stanine Scores 

Stanine scores are unique to CAT4 testing. Students are given a score between one and nine for each of the sections of the CAT4 Level G test, as well as an overall stanine score. 

When you are looking at your child’s stanine scores, one is considered low and nine high. An average score would be between four and six.


Overall Scores 

This is the overall number of correct answers given by a student. Overall scores are provided for each of the sections of the CAT4 Level G test as well as a combined total. 


Percentile Scores 

This is potentially the most confusing of the three scores you will receive. Percentile scores rank students against their peers. The higher the percentile score, the better a candidate has performed.

For example, if your child receives a percentile score of 75%, this means that they have performed better than 75% of students taking the CAT4 Level G assessment. Percentile scores are given as an overall score as well as for individual sections of the test.

Individual and combined scores are useful for not only identifying your child’s strengths – they can also highlight areas of weakness that would otherwise potentially be missed. 

For example, if your child has performed well overall, but not achieved an average result in a specific section of the CAT4 Level G test, this will be shown within the results. This information can then be used to focus further studies.


Frequently Asked Questions


What does Level G mean in CAT4?

There are different levels of CAT4 test depending on the age of the students taking it. The CAT4 Level G test is used for students in their final year of education, which means those aged between 15 and 18.


What does Level G mean in CAT4?

Level G in CAT4 corresponds to tests designed for students in Years 12 to 13 (ages 16 to 18).


Is CAT4 Level G hard to pass?

CAT4 Level G isn't pass/fail; it measures cognitive abilities rather than passing a specific threshold.


Where can I prepare for CAT4 Level G?

Preparation can be done using online resources, practice tests, and specific CAT4 preparation books.


What is CAT4 Level G?

CAT4 Level G is a cognitive abilities test designed for students aged 16 to 18, assessing verbal, non-verbal, quantitative, and spatial reasoning skills.


How many questions are on the CAT4 Level G?

There are 168 questions in total, split across three separate sections. These sections can be administered at the same time, or separately:

  • Section One – 48 questions
  • Section Two – 66 questions
  • Section Three – 54 questions


Is the CAT4 Level G test timed?

Yes. Tests are administered in three sections, each one with a strict time limit:

  • Section One – 20 minutes
  • Section Two – 26 minutes
  • Section Three – 26 minutes


Can you retake the CAT4 Level G test?

No. CAT4 testing is designed to provide a snapshot of a student's cognitive abilities. 

For this reason, tests can’t be retaken if a student doesn’t achieve the score they want. This is why it’s so important to prepare as much as possible ahead of time.


Where can I get sample questions for the CAT4 Level G test?

Paid for or free CAT4 Level G practice test questions are available online, on educational websites, or in CAT4 preparation books. 

You can find CAT4 Level G practice questions, along with solutions and explanations, here on TestHQ.


How to pass the CAT4 Level G test?

Enhance your reasoning skills, practice with paid for or free CAT4 Level G practice test questions, and manage your time effectively during the test.


What is a good score for the CAT4 Level G test?

A good score is generally a higher percentile rank, reflecting strong cognitive abilities.


Where can I get a complete study guide for the CAT4 Level G test?

Complete study guides are available online, through educational publishers, or specialized test prep companies.



Final Thoughts

CAT4 Level G tests are an essential tool for educators when it comes to understanding the progress of their students. The test results provide information on strengths and weaknesses, which make it easier for teaching staff to adapt and adjust their teaching methods.

Using the results provided in your child’s CAT4 Level G test, you will be able to gain insight into how well your child understands a range of important concepts. This will enable you to adequately support them in strengthening their skills and improving their overall cognitive abilities.

While tests are never nice, taking the time to prepare and discuss assessments can significantly improve confidence and performance. By taking simple steps ahead of time, your child will be able to perform to the best of their ability and provide an accurate snapshot of their progress.

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