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CAT4 Level E: A 2025 Guide with Tips & Examples

school entrance exams Sep 05, 2024

Cognitive tests are a useful tool for assessing pupils’ mental performance as they progress through their education. They are commonly used from elementary school right through to graduation.

One of the most commonly used battery of tests is the CAT (Cognitive Abilities Test). These assessments are given to pupils at varying stages of their academic journey to test their ability and potential. The CAT4 Level E is administered to students in the 7th grade.

Pupils in the 7th grade are close to finishing their middle school education and in a few years will start high school. Teachers can use CAT4 Level E results to examine how a student has developed over the course of their early education. 

As well as reviewing progress, they can predict how well pupils will perform in the next grade and beyond.

In this article, you will learn more about the CAT4 Level E test, what’s on it and how it’s scored. You will also get tips for success and answers to frequently asked questions. 



What Is the CAT4 Level E?

The CAT Level E is a popular test across the US and in the UK and Ireland. The CAT tests were designed by GL Assessment and Level E helps parents and educators understand the reasoning skills of 7th graders.

One of the test’s key purposes is to identify academic potential and highlight the areas where pupils need more support.

Children taking the CAT4 Level E are usually aged around 10 to 12.

At this stage of middle school, pupils in grade 7 have already completed many years of middle school education.

The CAT4 Level E test is given to provide an insight into their likely performance for the rest of their education.

There are four sections on the CAT4 Level E test: 

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Qualitative Reasoning
  • Spatial Ability


Each pupil’s score report provides teachers with an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.


CAT4 Level E Test Components

There are four components on the CAT4 Level E test. Each section includes two subsections.


Verbal Reasoning

The first section contains questions on Verbal Classification and Verbal Analogy.

These questions assess how well a student can use written information to solve word problems.

For the Verbal Classification test, the pupil will be provided with a group of words that are similar in some way. To score a point, they will need to identify which of the word options matches the pattern.

The Verbal Analogy section will present a set of three words. The first two words can be grouped together in meaning. 

For example, they may be synonyms or antonyms. There will be a number of other words, one of which can be paired with a third word. Candidates will need to identify the correct word to receive a point.


Non-Verbal Reasoning

This section assesses skills such as pattern recognition and logical thinking using understanding of shapes.

The first subsection is Figure Classification.

These questions present the candidate with several shapes that are similar in some way.

They will need to figure out how they are the same and then choose the suitable answer.

The second Non-Verbal test is Figure Matrices.

These questions ask test takers to use reasoning to identify which shape will come next in a sequence.


Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative reasoning questions focus on numerical reasoning and problem-solving.

The first test in this section is Number Analogies. Candidates will need to deduce the link between sets of numbers.

They will then need to use this information to choose another set of numbers to finish the sequence.

The next set of CAT4 Test Level E questions for Number Series will ask examinees to identify the rules used to arrange an order of numbers and choose which number comes next.


Spatial Ability

The two subsections in Spatial Ability are Figure Analysis and Figure Recognition. These questions measure students’ abilities to visualize and manipulate shapes and spaces.

Questions on the Figure Analysis test provide candidates with an image of a piece of paper that has been folded several times. The paper has also been hole-punched.

Candidates will need to visualize what the piece of paper would look like if it was unfolded and choose the correct answer from five possible options.

The last section on the CAT4 Level E test is Figure Recognition. These questions will present candidates with five complex shapes.

Within each of these are multiple smaller shapes. To score a point, test takers must identify the correct shapes.



CAT4 Level E: Example Questions and Practice


1. Verbal Reasoning

Example Question 1: Analogies

“Night” is to “Day” as “Moon” is to ________.

a) Sun
b) Star
c) Sky
d) Planet

The correct answer is: a) Sun.

The relationship here is that "Night" corresponds to "Day," and similarly, the "Moon" corresponds to the "Sun."

Example Question 2: Antonyms

Which word is opposite in meaning to “Ancient”?

a) Old
b) New
c) Historical
d) Antique

The opposite of "Ancient" is "New."


2. Non-Verbal Reasoning

Example Question 1: Sequence Completion

Which shape comes next in the sequence?

The correct answer is: a)

The sequence involves different lines being added to or intersecting within the square. After the cross (both diagonals), and a horizontal line, the logical next step would be to add a vertical line through the middle.

Example Question 2: Odd One Out

Which shape is the odd one out?

The correct answer is: c)

Three shapes have a dot in the center, one has a square.


3. Quantitative Reasoning

Example Question 1: Basic Arithmetic

If 4 apples cost $1.20, how much do 10 apples cost?

a) $2.40
b) $3.00
c) $3.60
d) $4.00

The correct answer is: b) $3.00.

First, find the cost of one apple by dividing $1.20 by 4, which gives $0.30 per apple. Then multiply $0.30 by 10 to find the cost of 10 apples: $3.00. 

Example Question 2: Number Patterns

What number comes next in this sequence: 

5, 10, 15, 20, ______?

a) 22
b) 25
c) 30
d) 35

The correct answer is: b) 25.

The sequence increases by 5 each time. After 20, the next number should be 25.


4. Spatial Ability

Example Question 1: Mirror Image Recognition

Which of the following images is a mirror image?

The correct answer is: a)

The correct mirror image of a shape is what you would see if you placed a mirror to the side of the shape.

Example Question 2: Shape Rotation

Which of the following is the same shape as the one shown but rotated?

The correct answer is: b)


Tips for Success in CAT4 Level E

The key to passing the CAT4 Level E test is preparation. The following tips can help you prepare your child for success.


Ensure Your Child Is Familiar With the Test Format

Encourage your child to read through the four assessment sections ahead of the test. This will help save time on the real test, as they will have an idea of what to expect.

They can familiarize themselves with the structure by taking a CAT4 Level E practice test.


Practice, Practice, Practice

 Scheduling time to regularly take CAT4 practice test level E exams is a great way to prepare for the assessment. 

The example CAT4 Test Level E questions in this guide, and in the TestHQ practice test pack, are specially written for 7th grade pupils and make perfect practice materials.

You can also find free CAT4 Level E practice test materials online.


Focus on Development

Encouraging your child to take a CAT4 Level E test is important, as it highlights areas for improvement ahead of the real test. 

If planned properly, there will still be time for your child to work on their weaker areas so they can show their full potential in the assessment.



Test-Taking Techniques

When children reach the 7th grade, they are likely familiar with taking cognitive tests and assessments.

You can help your child succeed in the CAT4 Level E by reminding them of the importance of paying attention to all instructions before and during the test.

One of the key things to consider when taking the CAT4 Level E is managing time. There is a total of two hours allotted time for the test, and it typically takes around 40 minutes to complete.

This does mean that candidates can take their time, but they should still be aware of the time limit.


How to Interpret CAT4 Level E Scores

After your 7th grader has taken the CAT4 Level E assessment, they will receive a score report. In the report will be their student profile comparing their score to the average score for same-age candidates.

There will also be a summary that outlines your child’s learning level, strengths, and areas for improvement.

The average CAT4 Level E score is 100. A score above 120 indicates a highly able student, while 130 is the benchmark to be classed as gifted.

You can also use your child’s percentile rank to understand how they are performing compared to children in the same grade.

For example, if they are placed in the 70th percentile, they scored higher than 70% of their peers.

Being able to read the CAT4 Level E report is a valuable skill, as it will help your child’s development as they come to the end of their middle school journey.

The test will provide an insight into how your child has performed in school and whether they need more support.

Teachers use CAT4 Level E results to create personalized learning plans that suit each child.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is CAT4 Level E?

The CAT4 level E is a cognitive test used to assess the mental skills of pupils in the 7th grade.


What does Level E mean in CAT 4?

The Level E test is taken by pupils in the 7th grade. The most commonly used levels are A to G, with each test taken at different school grades.


Is CAT4 Level E hard to pass?

The test can be difficult but if you prepare then you have every chance of success. The best preparation is practicing answering example questions, like those in the TestHQ practice test pack.


Where can I prepare for CAT4 Level E?

You can use this Test HQ study guide to prepare for the test. You can also find free CAT4 Level E practice test materials online.


How many questions are on CAT4 Level E?

There are 168 questions on the CAT4 Level E test.


Is the CAT4 Level E test timed? 

The test is time and there is typically an allocated slot of two to three hours to complete.


Can you retake the CAT4 Level E test?

Retaking the CAT4 Level E test is not recommended, as the test is designed to evaluate cognitive skills using questions not yet seen by the candidate.

Whether a pupil can retake the test is decided by the school.


Where can I get sample questions for the CAT4 Level E test?

You can find sample questions for the test in this study guide and in the TestHQ practice test pack.


How to pass the CAT4 Level E test?

You can pass the CAT4 Level E test by practicing with example questions.


What is a good score for the CAT4 Level E test?

A good score is 100. A score of 120 indicates high ability, and 130 would place your child in the gifted and talented category.


Where can I get a complete study guide for the CAT4 Level E test?

You can find a complete study guide for the CAT4 Level test on TestHQ.



Final Thoughts

When it comes to taking the CAT4 Level E test, preparation is key.

Encourage your child to work on their weaker areas ahead of the test so they can strengthen their cognitive skills and achieve a great score.

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