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CAT4 Level C: A 2024 Guide with Tips & Examples

school entrance exams Sep 04, 2024

One of the most common types of assessment taken by students in the US are cognitive tests. These assessments examine young people’s mental performance at various stages of their education.

The CAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) is a group of tests that help test the ability and potential of school-aged children. The CAT4 Level C is administered to students in the 5th grade.

As it is typically taken at the midpoint of primary education, the CAT4 Level C is important for evaluating a student’s capabilities and needs. The test results can be used to highlight areas for improvement that inform a student's learning plan.

In this article, you will learn more about the CAT4 Level C test and how it’s scored, as well as get tips for success and answers to frequently asked questions.



What Is CAT4 Level C?

The CAT Level C is a popular test in the US and internationally. It is designed to help parents and educators understand students' reasoning abilities and their academic potential.

Developed by GL Assessment, it tests not only a student’s current capabilities but also their projected performance for the rest of their education. This insight allows schools to judge progress and evaluate their curriculum.

One of the test’s key purposes is to identify areas of support for students. The four sections of Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning, and Spatial Ability provide teachers with a comprehensive understanding of a student's strengths and weaknesses.

The CAT Level C is taken by students in the 5th grade, when they are usually 10 to 11 years old. Some 5th graders may be younger or older than this range.

School teachers will use the results to determine whether pupils are working at a similar level. High scoring students can be grouped together for learning, while pupils with lower scores can be supported to reach their full potential.


CAT4 Level C Test Components

There are four components on the CAT4 Level C test.

Each section includes two short tests. A total of 120 minutes is allotted for the whole test.


Verbal Reasoning

The verbal reasoning section consists of questions on Verbal Classification and Verbal Analogy.

This section is designed to evaluate students’ ability to solve problems using written information.

On the Verbal Classification test, candidates will be asked to identify which word matches the pattern provided.

To answer correctly, they will first need to be able to work out what links the series of three words. The examinee will then need to select the word that is most similar to the series.

The Verbal Analogy section will provide candidates with a set of three words. The first two words can be grouped together, for example as synonyms or antonyms.

The third word can be paired with one of the possible answers. To receive a mark, the pupil must identify the correct word.


Non-Verbal Reasoning

This reasoning section uses geometric and figurative elements such as shapes and diagrams. These tests evaluate skills such as pattern recognition, logic, and visual thinking.

In this section, pupils will first take a test on Figure Classification. These CAT4 Level C test questions will show a number of shapes that are similar in some way.

Examinees will need to figure out how they are the same and choose the most appropriate answer that fits the pattern.

The second Non-Verbal section is Figure Matrices. These questions require test takers to identify which shape should come next in a sequence.


Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative reasoning questions are important in assessing numerical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

The first test in this section is Number Analogies, where students will need to deduce the link between sets of numbers. Using this information, they are asked to choose another set of numbers to complete the sequence.

Similarly, the Number Series test will ask the candidate to identify the rules used to arrange an order of numbers and then choose which number comes next.


Spatial Ability

The Spatial Ability battery consists of Figure Analysis and Figure Recognition. Teachers use the results of this section to assess students’ abilities to visualize and manipulate shapes and spaces. These skills are a critical part of cognitive development for children of 5th grade age.

On the Figure Analysis test, pupils will be presented with an image of a piece of paper that has been folded several times and had a hole punched through it.

They will need to deduce what the piece of paper would look like if they unfolded it. There is one correct answer out of five options.

The final section on the CAT4 Level C test is Figure Recognition. The pupil will be presented with five complex shapes. The shapes contain multiple shapes to make a larger polygon. To pass this test they will need to successfully fit a shape into another without rotation or reflection.



CAT4 Level C: Example Questions and Practice


1. Verbal Reasoning

Example Question 1: Word Relationships (Analogies)

"Dog” is to “Bark” as “Cow” is to ________

a) Roar
b) Moo
c) Meow
d) Chirp

The correct answer is: b) Moo

The relationship is based on the sound that each animal makes. A dog barks, and a cow moos.

Example Question 2: Synonyms

Which word is most similar in meaning to "Quick"?

a) Fast
b) Slow
c) Hard
d) Bright

The correct answer is: a) Fast

The word "Fast" is the most similar in meaning to "Quick." 


2. Non-Verbal Reasoning

Example Question 1: Sequence Completion

Which shape comes next in the sequence?

The correct answer is: c)

The sequence alternates between a triangle pointing up and a triangle pointing down. Following this pattern, the next shape should be a triangle pointing up.

Example Question 2: Odd One Out

Which shape is the odd one out?

The correct answer is: d)

The square, rectangle, and diamond are all polygons (shapes with straight sides), whereas the circle is not.


3. Quantitative Reasoning

Example Question 1: Basic Arithmetic

What is 8 × 7?

a) 49
b) 56
c) 64
d) 72

The correct answer is: b) 56.

Multiplying 8 by 7 gives you 56.

Example Question 2: Number Patterns

What number comes next in this sequence:

2, 4, 6, 8, ______?

a) 9
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12

The correct answer is: b) 10

The sequence increases by 2 each time. After 8, the next number is 10. 


4. Spatial Ability

Example Question 1: 2D to 3D Matching

Which of the following 3D shapes can be made from the given net?

The correct answer is: c)

Although there are only two blue-colored sides on show in option c), it can be assumed that this is the correct answer option as the third colored side is on a side that isn't visible.

Example Question 2: Shape Rotation

Which shape is the same as this one when rotated?

The correct answer is: b)


Tips for Success in CAT4 Level C

As the CAT4 Level C measures cognitive ability rather than memorized knowledge, the best way to prepare is to understand the purpose of the test.

The following tips can help you prepare your child for success.


Know the Test Structure

By talking your child through the four assessment sections, you will help them feel more at ease and confident in their abilities.


Practice, Practice, Practice

The best way to score highly on cognitive tests is to train your brain to think logically. If you can set aside some study time ahead of the test, your child will be able to complete a CAT4 practice test level C in a calm environment.

It is even better if you can practice with them to relieve any test anxiety. The CAT4 Level C practice test questions in this guide are age-appropriate and the perfect introduction to the CAT4 Level C.

There’s also a TestHQ CAT4 test pack with solutions and explanations.

You can also find a wealth of free CAT4 Level C practice test materials online.


Focus on Areas for Improvement

By reviewing your child’s CAT4 Level C practice test scores, you will be able to identify any areas where they are making mistakes.

Encourage them to work on these topics and offer your support with any questions they have about the test.


Test-Taking Techniques

At first, the CAT4 Level C test questions can appear difficult. Behind the complex vocabulary are simple questions that we as humans are built to understand. 

One way you can help your 5th grader prepare is to guide them on how to approach the different types of questions.

One of the biggest challenges when taking the CAT4 Level C is completing the four sections within the 120-minute time limit.

You can help your child prepare for the timed test by replicating the assessment environment at home. It may be best to do this once they are familiar with the test structure and question type, so they can focus on answering rather than understanding the layout.


How to Interpret CAT4 Level C Scores

After your child has taken the CAT4 Level C assessment, you will receive their score report. As well as your child’s section scores, you will also receive their student profile. This is a graph comparing their results to the average score achieved by fifth graders.

You will also receive a summary that outlines your child’s progress and the level they are working at. The summary provides an insight into your child’s strengths and areas for improvement.

The average score on the CAT4 Level C is 100. A highly able score is 120. The score to be classed as gifted and talented is 130.

You can also use your child’s percentile rank to understand how they are performing compared to children in the same grade. For example, if they are placed in the 60th percentile, they scored higher than 60% of their peers.


Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

It is very important that you understand how to read your child’s CAT4 Level C results. You can use their score report to identify the areas they are performing well in, making sure to praise them for their achievements. 

The report will also highlight the areas in which your child received a lower score. This typically means that they are finding that topic difficult and need some extra support.

Once you know the areas that your child is weaker on, you can work with them at home to supplement their school learning. You may find it helpful to play games or set them tasks that strengthen their cognitive capabilities.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is CAT4 Level C?

The CAT4 Level C is a cognitive test used to assess the mental skills of pupils in the 5th grade.


What does Level C mean in CAT4?

Level C refers to the stage of education in which the test is given. The most commonly used levels are A-G and they are administered at different school grades.


Is CAT4 Level C hard to pass?

CAT4 Level C isn't pass/fail; it measures cognitive strengths and weaknesses, not passing a specific threshold.


Where can I prepare for CAT4 Level C?

You can find a wealth of free CAT4 Level C practice test materials online. You can also use this study guide, or the TestHQ practice tests, to prepare for the test. 


How many questions are on CAT4 Level C?

There are a total of 168 questions on the CAT4 Level test.


Is the CAT4 Level C test timed?

The test is timed and allows for a maximum of 120 minutes to finish answering the questions. 


Can you retake the CAT4 Level C test?

Retake policies depend on the school or institution, but retakes are usually infrequent.


Where can I get sample questions for the CAT4 Level C test?

You can find sample questions for the test in this study guide or in the TestHQ CAT4 practice tests


How to pass the CAT4 Level C test?

Practice reasoning skills, use sample questions, and help your child manage their time effectively during the test.


What is a good score for the CAT4 Level C test?

A good score would be 100. A score of 120 would indicate high ability, while 130 would place your child in the gifted and talented category.


Where can I get a complete study guide for the CAT4 Level C test?

You can find a complete study guide for the CAT4 Level test on TestHQ.



Final Thoughts

To support your child taking the CAT4 Level C test in the fifth grade, it is crucial that you understand how the assessment works. Tests can be stressful for children, but you can help by guiding them.

By using this guide, you can learn to interpret your child’s CAT4 Level C test score report to support their cognitive development and academic progress.

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